Day one of our trip to D.C. featured a free chocolate chip cookie that was bigger then all of our heads! We received this edible delight thanks to the charms of Little Bluebird, Jack. The hotel stay that night was tons of fun since Thom and Avery got to horse around in the indoor pool. The next day, we arrived in D.C. (technically, Pentagon City in Arlington, VA) where we stayed with Thom’s sister Barbara and his niece, Grace. Our first full day of the D.C. area, we made a trip to the National Zoo. Unfortunately, the zoo bit the big one. If not for the adorable pandas, it would have been a very dismal outing indeed. Hot sun, long paths to nowhere, only one exit on the other side of an incredibly steep incline, no food options for vegetarians, etc. Just ugh all around. But ever the troopers, we quickly recovered and had a great time with our other adventures. These include hanging with Salina, an old high school buddy, and Susan, our dear old college pal. The trip came to a close with a typical visit to Bloomfield where Jack and Aves got to spend some time with the Hemeleski clan.
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